Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Not Politically Correct

I went to Semiahmoo to spend time with daughter S again today. While walking her dog we came across this antique machine used to process salmon for canning. It's one of the exhibits at the Alaska Packers Association Cannery and Fishing Museum, in a Whatcom County Park facility on Semiahmoo Spit. The museum buildings were part of the cannery that used to operate on the spit.

According to the information on the sign, this Iron Chink, so called because of the 15-20 primarily Chinese workers it displaced, could process more than 30,000 salmon per day. There were nine of these machines at the cannery in its heyday.

The drastic decline of Pacific Salmon runs is tragic, and motivates me in my support of the Nooksack Enhancement Association.

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