Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Day #9 Papagayo, Costa Rica - Scarlet Macaws

Oh my what a wonderful day.....yes, another one!! 

As usual I woke early and sat on the balcony watching the sunrise. I also watched a pair of humpback whales spout and dive for around 15 minutes, and marvelled at the backflipping rays that were creating a splash. All before most of the ship were even awake!

Then we had breakfast in the sunshine on our balcony and then met our small group for our boat tour on the Tempisque river. 
There were only 7 of us and the guide was amazing. 
On the way, we saw a Jabiru and chick in a nest - quite rare in CR apparently, the daily workers dredging the river of sand by hand and then taking the ox carts full of sand to the top where it is sold to construction companies, and this pair of loved up scarlet macaws - they were just amazing to see in the wild!!!

The river boat tour was fabulous - I have put a few extras in as I don't know that we will see them again (at this rate I will use them all up before I get home!). 

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