The perfect perch

I had put the log there when I was trying to photograph frozen bubbles and it now makes a perfect perch for the birds coming down to the suet block.The long tailed tits seem to be increasing in numbers and seem to be pecking at the buds on the fruit trees.The woodpecker has been down too, I have seen two which I’m happy about after losing the one that hit the window last year.
Back to Brownies, made it to the Hall inbetween rain showers.We had an evening celebrating Australia Day.My friend who lives in Australia sent some photos of what life is like in Australia.The girls were fascinated especially the photo of my friends family celebrating Christmas on the beach in the sunshine :) One of the mum’s has suggested a field trip there ;)
The girls brought in boomerangs, cuddly koalas, furry kangaroos and a fluffy kookaburra and a Dad came in and played a didgeridoo :)
Cold again now, 2.5 degrees, about 26 degrees in Australia .

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