Some one is pleased the snow has gone

Not quite so many birds in the garden today and this pheasant seemed to be pleased to seeing green again.
Lots of jobs done, a cheque put into the mobile bank ( not able to get a statement though as you have to go to a main branch which are few and far between ), collected my prescription from boots and then met up with two Catherine’s for some Guiding planning and a chat about transition from Rainbows to Brownies.There are so many girls needing places we could start another unit.
Richard was at home when I got back so had lunch together.Mike’s off down South and spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for my injections to be delivered.
Much warmer now, 4.6 degrees , seems funny thinking that temperature is warm :)
Thank you all for the comments, stars and hearts sorry I do nt have time to reply to comments and say thanks you’s but they are all appreciated :)

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