Peeking out of her bed......

   I know...  This is a very poor picture, light is terrible, it's hard to tell what is going on here, but.............
This morning Molly was snuggled into bed, again.  The camera was right there, I tried to catch her, leaning forward but not get in the way of the light, turn sideways and try to focus and enlarge her face....  what of it that was showing.    
    Molly has been feeling crummy the past couple of days, so she was slower to get out of bed this morning than I was.  She likes to get her nose under the covers, throw them up and walk underneath.  Then, she turns around, gets her nose out to breath and then sleeps the whole night through.  She will snuggle up to me as close as she can, often pushing me to the edge of my side of the bed.  She isn't so much a bed hog as she is a snuggle bunny.  

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