
By Leiflife

I Wonder When She Did This...

Well Lumen, sweetie... Not in the last four weeks... 

No... I am not making art these days. Sometimes that isn't easy. The consuming process of bonding with, training, and merely existing in the same space with a ten week old puppy is difficult to say the least. Sometimes a cry of desperation escapes my newly committed heart, as I do my best to keep up with a miniature tornado. Sometimes I drive and weep, with the dearest little dog in the world asleep in his carrier on the seat beside me. 

As I write that last, I remember one or the other of my two babies falling asleep in the car as I drove. I remember driving through Audubon Park in New Orleans, parking the car by the levee and gazing at the Mississippi River. In the strange freedom bestowed by a baby's sleep, I would dream of the dances I didn't have time to dance. I believed in those dances and knew they would return to me when the time was right. Just in that moment, my life consisted of love at its most demanding, but also its most fulfilling. 

Strangely, I find myself in that moment again... And since I can hear my current baby waking from his most recent nap, I will let this blip go as it stands. Love calls! Gotta go!

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