Hon in Edinburgh

By honined


This morning's family discussions centered around to which soft play we should take our kids to enjoy. Without excessive driving, a reasonable experience for the parents, and not costing an arm and a leg. We ended up at the Ratho EICA, which upon reflection was one of the venues I had discussed with that parent in the coffee queue yesterday. The kids definitely had fun, but a bit scarey to realise our little boy has already outgrown the baby section in which he was perfectly happy last year. He even got a verbal warning through the tannoy to haul himself away from that area, when he went to enjoy a bit of nostalgia from his carefree baby days.

Afterwards, my daughter and I got ourselves reacquainted with the climing ropes. I thought she did very well by the end and would love to find the time to take her climbing more often.

I had a long chat with this subject when he saw me taking snaps of my daughter climbing. He's a pro photographer doing some part time work at the EICA, and it was fun discussing gear and technique. He does weddings, and I'm hugely impressed that he uses a couple of bodies with prime lenses, one of which is a manual focus Zeiss. I'm sure the image quality is outstanding from his setup, but at the one wedding I covered I was so reliant on the 24-70 zoom and on autofocusing. I didn't even dare to hire any exotic fast primes as that would have been way out of my comfort zone... and going manual focus would have been right out!

This is him pulling a funny face, to compensate for the obvious lack of instructions and directions from the photographer :)

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