More sunshine

Even though we had coffee with the main man this morning, when he told us about his impending stardom, I decided in the end not to blip a picture of him and/or his exhibition at Qupi, but rather one of the staple/standard views of the Shore in Leith in lovely sunshine (in full appreciation of the song, of course). According to some website I read last week, Moscow had only half an hour of sunshine during December, and January has been no better. I think the greyness has applied to most of north east Europe including southern Finland, and it's certainly been the case that we've seen remarkably little sunshine (apart from in South East Asia) since the end of October. So it has been with great pleasure that we've seen more light and definitely more sunshine in the last two days since our return.

We spent the day rushing around in various circles - to Leith Walk, to Ocean Terminal (doubling back halfway there to go to Tiso, where Mr A doubled his 'coating' in a much needed wardrobe renewal (and I must add a second parenthesis to say that it was whilst searching for coats in city centre Helsinki that Mr A suffered his heart attack so we renewed the search with some trepidation)), back home, and then (just me) back to Leith for a haircut. I also made a million phone calls (well about 3 actually, but I really don't like using the phone) and managed to retrieve several £100s of  money taken by various utilities which isn't actually owed to them. Job well done. More than paid for the coats! And I got back to the bottom of my inbox which had mysteriously sprouted wings since Wednesday evening when I last gave it much attention.

I'm flagging now, after all of this rushing around, because I woke up very early this morning, given the two hours 'jet lag' that shifting from Helsinki to Edinburgh provokes.

This blip has overlong sentences. This may be because I'm tired.

But I'm definitely feeling much more chipper than I was exactly a year ago.

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