Unusual things

A butterfly alighting on the living room window in the middle of October.

An epic thunder and hailstorm in the middle of the afternoon.

Corin slaving over a hot stove for nearly 3 hours to make himself a proper pea and ham soup from scratch with fresh ingredients.

Corin and I watching four hours of The Paradise from the iPlayer. Apparently we both like period drama. Think I might have to take a look at Downton Abbey.

Itchy belly button doing my head in.

Slept like a log last night.

Have managed to eat a plateful of Chicken Tikka Masala and rice from Cook...it was scrumptious.

A surprise visitor this afternoon and a little chat about work made me feel a bit more connected. Along with the lovely card from another colleague who had arranged for the drive-by visit.

I am feeling altogether more human today, definitely. Just waiting for that letter to come with the date...as soon as I know how long I have to wait, the sooner I can figure an action plan, because we all know how much I need to have a plan!

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