Flat cats

Pretty much mimicking me.

So, I have had two days of being interviewed for a job. Yesterday felt really positive when I got home, although a couple of things raised questions. But not major.

Today, I came away knowing that I had given a really good interview, but beginning to wonder whether I would accept if it was offered. Lots of things caused me to reflect, but perhaps the most significant was being asked to answer the following question...
"So, after having met me (and another colleague) answer me honestly, what do you really think about me and do you think you like me?"
This was subsequently followed by being directly challenged about whether I actually really did believe in education being about children or whether it was just about personal career progression. I clearly didn't say enough times that my values centred around he best for children at all times. The same person the day before had told us all that if we didn't want to progress to headship within 5 years of getting the post then we really shouldn't be considering taking the job!

So despite a really good panel interview, I still wondered what I actually thought. After three hours at home waiting for the phone call, I had figured out that
A. I wasn't going to get the role and
b. I would be relieved if that was the case because I actually wanted to avoid declining...that's a whole other world of pain!

So, everyone obviously commiserated with me but really, I don't need that. It has been a really valuable experience, on so many levels. Reflection is actually a really good thing and having had time to do it, I realise that my face wouldn't have fitted. But I do know what my strengths are now and I also know that the staff and children that I currently work with deserve my time and my energy. So, I will stick with what I know best and the people that I care about most.

I have celebrated this realisation with a stupidly large and hot curry and a bottle of beer.

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