Swimming on golden water

Up early and out to the Puffin Pool with Anne.Mike picked me up and we drove down to Ferry Point.We were both surprised to see that there was still a lot of ice. At first I was disappointed as the tide was going out and it does not look quite so pretty when the river is just muddy banks but as I walked round it was just in far enough for the waders to be along it’s edge, soo many of them and with lovely reflections too.The wigeon were all up on the grass and gradually took off as I approached landing in the water.The sun was rising over the Black Isle and cast a golden light on the water. Ripples appeared around the little ducks as they swam and made their distinctive call.The waders took off , displayed and then landed again, all huddled together.
Hungry now so we went to the Garden Centre for a full breakfast, delicious. Tesco’s next to pick up the things I need for Brownies on Tuesday.I’m quite excited about it but I’ll save the surprise till Tuesday ;) In to the bank to put in some cheques and pick up a statement and to make sure a new cheque book for Brownies had been ordered, it had nt so now that has been sorted.
It was so nice on the drive back that we decided to go down to Redcastle. The tide was a long way out so the Crannog was easy to see.We walked up to the Castle, masses of snowdrops just days away from being out properly.Wonderful blue sky above us and the sound of birds chirping away.Spotted a goldcrest in one of the bushes.
The Fishman went by on our way back to the car.He stopped near the little cottages so we bought some fish for dinner.
Thought we would have a quick otter check and a walk along the path and we were so lucky as three otters, mum and two cubs were playing.We must have stood for half an hour watching and listening to them.Mum whistling her disapprove when the cubs got a bit too lively.They had been swimming around, catching a few tasty meals and then we could see mum swimming towards us.Out on to the shore she came and quietly munched on a fish and then a crab. A bit too far away for any descent photos but a good experience and a nice way to celebrate Mike’s birthday :)

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