Canterbury Cathedral Cloisters

Alan’s brought me to Canterbury for an overnight stay as it’s my birthday on Sunday. We’re staying at the Canterbury Cathedral Lodge which is in the grounds of the cathedral and we have a fantastic view of the cathedral from our room.

When we arrived we had a wander round the town. Alan’s mum had sent me some money for my birthday so I wanted to look for a camera bag that will fit all my lenses in as well as the camera. I didn’t want a rucksack, more of a messenger style bag and not black so it’s been quite tricky to find one - I do wish there was more choice for us ladies! Anyway, I found a good one in Jessops. It’s slightly bigger than I was originally thinking but it’s got lots of different pockets and a removable padded insert for the lenses. It’s also got a rain cover which is great and it looks more like a normal bag.

Shopping done, we found a nice cosy bar where we had a couple of drinks, and then as it was starting to go dark we got the tripod and went to take some night shots of the cathedral. As we’re staying at the lodge, we get free entry into the cathedral, so we went into the cloisters where I took this shot. The Cathedral was closed at this time, but we could hear people singing inside, the sound was beautiful!

We then had to quickly get ready as we had a table booked for dinner, and after dinner we had drinks in the library back at the Lodge. It’s been a lovely day and I’m looking forward to going inside the cathedral tomorrow.

I was undecided whether to post this one of the cloisters or one of the cathedral lit up, but GadgetKid helped me in my decision - thank you Sherry!

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