An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Rules are for Fools...

Lola isn't allowed upstairs.  That's going well then.

I got a text last night from our friend Lj asking if we were free to meet up with her and Derek for breakfast or lunch over the weekend.  As it happens we were free to meet for lunch today so they came to ours for 11.30am, we had a chat then headed to Gloagburn for lunch at 12.30.  Thank heavens I had booked a table as there was a very long queue for the coffee shop.

We had a delicious lunch and caught up with how the rest of Derek's 90th birthday celebrations had gone.  Very well by the sound of things.

Once we were back home, I parked myself at the kitchen table and began sorting through piles and piles of family photos and getting a large number of them into frames.  I know where most of them are going so tomorrow's job will be to go round the house putting them in their places.

I found three photo albums full of photos of Alan when he was a baby.  Christine asked him if we wanted to go through them and to my surprise he said yes!  He's normally not that bothered about looking at photos of himself but of course they included other family members too so he thoroughly enjoyed it.  

As I was still knee deep in photos when dinner time came around, David made dinner, which let me finish with the photo frames and look out the short listed photos for two multi-apertures wall frames.  Another job for  tomorrow.

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