South of Boston Blipmeet

Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
Anais Nin

What a wonderful afternoon! G and I had a visit with John and Marylee Van de Graaff here at Dogcorner! Fabulous, wonderful and charming, they really were so much fun! We really enjoyed each other and talked and walked around the yard like old pals. Blip is the most wonderful community, this was a banner afternoon. I loved them as much as I have loved John's journal!

It was a big day for G, a job interview in Boston this morning and the blipmeet in the afternoon...with an interview shoe trauma in the middle! Unbelievably, both heels and the molded soles of his shoes (borrowed from his dad) began a systematic disintegration step by step as he got closer to the interview! Picturing the interview in socks and his suit he called me in a panic!!! T saved the day with cash to buy a new pair at a cheap shop near Govt. Center. Luckily she works close by. His interview went well after the drama and thankfully he had those 2 extra hours to kill before the interview that really saved the day.

Raspberry and Nelson didn't disappoint!

This one is for you, dearest Juliana . Imagine, all of us together with such a strong connection to you. xxx

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and warm, a glorious Indian Summer day, perfect for guests.

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