Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


The phrase "bad hair day" is fairly modern parlance; the earliest known use I could find on the internet dates from 1988, but it only really achieved lift off when used in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1992.

The thing about phrases like that is that they are almost impossible to manufacture. They pop up and seem to either disappear without trace or achieve a place in the lexicon of our rich English language. It's a mystery ...

TSM may have had a bad hair day but her hair - along with the rest of her - is gorgeous....Anyway we had a very useful parents evening tonight, and The Girl Racer rang in a state of high excitement at getting a job working for Relentless next weekend at battersea Power Station and their annual snowfest ....so she had a good hair day ... and I got complimented on my hair at work .. so 'nuff said.

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