Bonny Tiler.

Woke up to another dark wet day. I went to the gym, and then came straight home.We had a bacon bap for lunch, which was delicious. It was still raining, no surprise there, so J said, do you fancy a trip to Porthcawl? I did, so off we went. I was going to go into the museum, but it was closed, so instead, I went into this shop on the high street. I was the only customer in the shop, so I asked if it was alright to take some photos, as I wanted to show the wall tiles to my husband, That wasn't really a lie, because I  did. We have two on the wall in our kitchen, and I fancy a change, although when I showed  them to him ,he didn't seem that impressed. By the time we got home, it had stopped raining, and the sun is actually shining, but for how long I wonder?

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