Technological challenge

Buying a new TV used to be relatively simple. Take out of box, plug in, connect to aerial, choose one of four channels ( or less, going back further).

We’ve a new TV this month, and it is presenting challenges.

One of which has been connecting the two hi fi speakers. The connection points do not exist on the new TV. So I took a trip to our local Hi Fi shop seeking advice.

When did you buy your Hi Fi they asked. 18 years ago I said. Ah, you’ll be on our system they said. And I was, they knew what I had bought in the year 2000. And they sold me a little box - a digital amplifier converter it seems, which can translate the TV so the amp understands it.

It works. The Hi Fi may be old by modern standards, but it works, and more to the point - I love the sound quality. I am still an analogue fan at heart. And a fan of little family firms who know what they are talking about and provide great service. My worry on that score is that the old technology is so good they won’t get their customers back for decades !

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