Look out! Here I come:)

Keep your eyes on the skies for the full Moon tomorrow, because it should be a spectacular sight  -   the 'Super Blue Blood Moon'.  Not only will it be a Blue Moon - the name given to the second full Moon in one calendar month - it will also be a Supermoon which occurs when a full Moon is at the point in its orbit closest to Earth, (364,088 km if you're interested in trivia) making it appear larger and brighter. It will also be a Blood Moon in some areas of the world  -  a Blood Moon happens when the shadow of Earth casts a reddish glow on the moon.  In Australia, New Zealand, central and eastern Asia, Indonesia, Alaska, Hawaii and parts of North America Moon blippers might see the Super Blue Blood Moon if the skies are clear - although we won't be able to see the red hue in the UK:)

It will be the first time a 'Super Blue Blood Moon' has appeared in 152 years  -  the last one was on March 31, 1866.  Have a nice day  -  fingers crossed for clear skies tomorrow:)

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