Snatched shot at the Palace of Westminster

This is a lucky blip. Apparently you are not permitted to take photos in this hall - or so I was told a couple of seconds after I took it.

Today I travelled down to London by train for a project launch at the Palace of Westminster. I also managed to see my nephew and his girlfriend for a quick drink (tea for me, lager for them) before the meeting.

Tonight I am staying at my brother-in-law's flat in Kensington. When I first arrived here he was still at work - he's a sub-editor on a national newspaper. However, he managed to escape the office just after the first edition of paper was declared complete so I enjoyed a couple of hours chatting with him before it was time for bed.

I really enjoy seeing Richard on his own. Usually when we are together we are also surrounded by our crazy, loud, talkative relations. When there are just two of us we manage sensible, uninterrupted, grown-up conversation.

On the train I made good progress on journal article revisions, so I hope to get the manuscript back to the editor by the end of the week.

Exercise today: walking (15,145 steps, including the full distance from Kings Cross to Westminster)

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