
By CoffeePotter

Oh no! Another Sunset Photo

Sorry - I just can't resist them.
There was a green light flashing on the boat, and I was lucky to catch it in the "on" postion, with the reflections in the sea. (Much better seen "large" by the way.)
We spent a lot of our time today snorkelling. We always wear "rash vests" which stop our backs and arms becoming sun burnt as it is so easy when swimming to forget just how hot the sun is. 
In the late afternoon we walked to the far end of the beach where not many people go, and were delighted to spot several monkeys emerging from the sea. Unfortunately they were too far away to get any decent shots. We think that they may have been catching and eating crabs. 
My extras show one of the small crabs that scamper about on the sea shore, some monkey prints at the water's edge, the "monkey beach" and the last one is another footprint shot. This is from a smallish monitor lizard (about 1 metre long). You can see the trail that its tail has left in the sand, and its footprints on either side where it lumbered along. There are quite a few lizards in the creek at the back of the beach, but its not often that we see them out of the water.
We were going to eat at a restaurant further along the beach this evening, but all of the electricity went out on the island because the supply from the mainland failed. Where we are staying they have a generator, so we were soon back in business, but the other places remained in darkness for the rest of the evening, so we dined "at home" whilst being entertained by quite a spectacular lightning show out at sea.
 Apologies once more for my lack of comments, but it's difficult at the moment with the internet connection and the electricity supply

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