
By cowgirl

Cat Campervan!

Helen saw one online and decided to make Tipps one. As you can see, Tipps is keeping a close eye on the construction.

A couple of weeks ago we did a joint online shop, but I didn’t like the boots I bought. I’ve returned them, and the money went back into Helen’s account as she used her card to pay for them. I need new wellies, so we shopped around and found a pair for the same price as the returned boots, so she ordered those for me.

Then I got a text from the owner of Fossey, the Labrador I used to walk when I lived in Wiltshire. They are now living in Cumbria, and I almost visited them last weekend, but didn’t in the end. I regret that now - the text was to let me know Fossey had had to be put to sleep the day before. She had a liver problem and it had degenerated so badly that she couldn’t go on.

To say I was in bits is an understatement.

Blipping this nearly a week later and still crying. If only, if only, if only .....

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