
Early this morning - 3 ish I woke up as you do but instead of going back to bed I looked out of the window and there was the moon hurrying along.  (actually the clouds!)  went back to bed.  Ro got up and I told him to look at the super moon!  Five minutes later we were in front of the open window - Brrr! - and taking shots.  I did a lot wrong and out of 22 shots taken only two were usable.  Taken Raw and I've put the EXIF on the image in extras.  Should I have the courage I might have another go tonight.  This time trying a lower iso and speed to try and get less noise and try and get a better focus.  I'd love any thoughts on the subject!

I've used my moon shot to make the abstract for today.  there is no theme.  Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday!

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