twinned with trumpton


After Football Friday and Soccer Saturday it was into soggy Sunday with a vengeance.
I got a call early on Sunday mornig from the boys' mother saying she was abandoning me with them to go deal with her ageing / declining mother and fish her out of hospital where she'd been overnight but was now on day 4 of incarceration. 
So we went out to lay in extra supplies for the extra time with me and also collected hockey kit / caboodle and were back in for lunch.

The laundry service continued too, and 'she' came over on foot to collect the fruits of my labours; romantically we also booked her Asda shop online together. She went off home with the clean laundry, leaving me with the dirty stuff and promptly settled into City  (Cardiff)vs Citeh in the FA Cup Round 4 closely followed by roast chicken and (a separate course of) choc pear almond squidgy pudding. 

The boys heading off up to meet 'her' on our Sunday constitutional

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