Morton Moor

My days at the moment are a little boring to report upon. Another long day at the office and another ultimately productive one. I did give myself time to mountain bike in this morning via the Keighley Gate Road and the Leeds-Liverpool Canal. It's one hell of a pull up over the top of the moor first thing in the morning, with the mountain bike feeling like it weighs twice as much as the road bike, but it's such a great way to start the day. I'm very lucky to be able enjoy a commute which is pretty much all off-road.

There was mist around the top of the moor which made for a wonderfully atmospheric ride, and provided fantastic lighting effects, which proved extremely difficult to capture with the camera. Of the few shots I'm happy with, this has ended up being my favourite, looking back to the masts at the top of the moor with Morton Moor to the right. This is a wild place. There are no rights of way nor footpaths at all. I've certainly never ventured beyond this fence. It often looks quite forbidding, although not so much today.

Thanks to those who entered into the spirit of yesterday's blip. I naturally went left. There is something about these little windy woodland paths which I find irresistible. The only way is up.

I'm not long home, posting this at 10pm, and have yet to get any food. Youngest son is in Brazil. Eldest son is having a cricket club social in Leeds. I find it hard to summon the energy to put any effort into cooking when I'm on my own and it's this late! I shall try to be good to myself.

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