Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

Centre Georges Pompidou

beaubourg by nightlights
photog's treat after the play
i did it before

I took this photo right after I got out of the theatre to shoot the dress rehearsal.

I came back home late, had a short night and drove to my appointment with the neurosurgeon I was referred to. He confirmed there is a cyst in or near my spinal cord, but he asked that I do one more MRI, because the one I showed him wasn't precise enough for him to decide on a surgical course, as he can't really say whether the cyst is attached to or imbedded in my spinal cord, which makes a world of difference...

In the evening, the traditional crêpes to celebrate the Chandeleur. Etymologically speaking, it comes from the "chant de l'heure", and celebrates the fact that we have gained one hour of daylight since the Winter Solstice on 21st December - why we eat crêpes on that occasion, however, I've never been able to ascertain.

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