twinned with trumpton


An early KO; Tom to running club for 8; so I chummed him across the road and went back to do housework / get Alex sorted for school. 

Then once he ws in, WFH. 

Much to do; the paperwork is piling up; the lack of systems is proving stifling.

At lunchtime I went to see her; she'd taken the day off; she's a bit fragile this week. But seemed much brighter than yesterday; helpd in no small measure by having to take the bike in a week early for its service. It's an ill wind.

I WFH at hers until 4.30 and then was off to gather up boys; quick turnaround to get out to collect the Qupi photos (finally) and then drop Tom at hockey.

Home / dinner on (chicken casserole) and back out for Tom and then Exploding Kittens / bed / etc

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