Double trouble!

We both slept well despite hubs continiuing cough......still in separate rooms :-/ Woke up to a bright and very frosty morning! We were actually up, showered and breakfasted before 9.30 this morning, a big improvement on recent weeks, so that must be a step in the right direction surely!

We got out for a walk, spotted these two little ones playing in the park.....a pity they werent the other way around, so their coats read Smile :-D. We collected the papers on our way home and spent a leisurely hour with a cup of coffee reading them.

BiL called around lunchtime to measure up our bedroom for new wardrobes....think we are going to stick with white and mirrors, we shall see.

This afternoon weve caught up on the last two episodes of Spiral, the french police drama, it has been a really good watch!

As I type this, I can smell our dinner cooking.....roast chicken, with lemon, garlic and thyme, roast potatoes, cabbage, peas and gravy of course.

I mentioned a few of days ago that my throat felt sore again, after a couple of days seemed to clear up. Well, its back again today, hope it
doesnt come to anything more :-/ So annoying!

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