
By Paladian

Tulip Tree

It's been a mixed day today, fellow Blippers. First up I thought it was going to be easy because my little Pardalote was at the hanging basket again pinching nesting material. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a clear shot at it, and it was in deep shade. So that was disappointing.

Then we decided that I should have a go at using the Rowers 200 mm zoom lens together with the 2 x extender to try and get a shot of a Liriodendron Tulipifera flower, which is very high up the tree, half way down the back yard, but in line (more or less) with the deck. I thought I reset the white balance to sunlight - but mistook the light bulb for the sun, and so set it for electric light instead. The resultant images you really would not want to see. Bletch!

I fiddled around, and fiddled around, but was very disappointed with the sharpness of the image. So decided to give it a miss.

Went out to lunch at the local, extremely good, Mexican cantina, came back and saw my flower was still lit by the sun, but at a much better angle, so tried again with my own 300 mm zoom lens. And finally, after several hours of stuffing around, I have a result.

I know it's not pink, but these flowers are really spectacular, and it's a shame they are not closer to the ground so they can be better enjoyed.

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