More tulip fever

Like many other Blippers I've got tulips which I keep until the very, very end of their lifespan. Yesterday's pink tulip was performing a last dance, this red one is probably good for another couple of days. They are such patient photo subjects and their colours and the pattern of their petals is good for many a shot.

Speaking of patterns, I think it's time we use that as a theme again for this coming Thursday's  Abstract Thursday challenge. The tag will be AT137. Thank you for another Thursday collection full of creativity from the very natural abstracts to the highly faffed ones. It was interesting to see lots of blue and red moonscapes and quite a few double exposures too. Find them all here.

Here's my list of last Thursday's specials of the week:
AislingMorgan  for a colourful tree (I think) triptych
Rainie                 for a gorgeous macro abstract
DigitalDave        for a different sideways view
Kimb                  for a spooky double exposure
dutchdelight     for a rippling water abstract

Thanks again for all your abstract entries !

And thank you very much for all the kind comments, stars and even faves for yesterday's tulip doing a last dance/wave

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