Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Down Hill - Yard Bird #16

Your Intrepid Reporter braved the elements for only the briefest of periods this afternoon to check in on New Jersey AOG Stadium.  

One of the much-anticipated events is the Down Hill race, in which both Team White-Breasted Nuthatch and Team Downy Woodpecker are expected to medal.  While the arenas were closed to the public, this reporter was able to watch part of Team Nuthatch's routine and I have to say it is going to be hard to beat!  Joining me in watching the practice session was a member of Team Junco who was trying to look unimpressed.  Didn't fool me, though, as I heard several small gasps of delight.  Or maybe that was me.  Hard to tell.

Although Team Squirrel has been largely absent from the Stadium since it opened a few days ago, I did catch a glimpse of two of their members who were busy practicing their Hickory-Nut-Cracking routine.  Hopefully they won't get up to some of the same shenanigans the 2012 Team Squirrel got into!  The officials are keeping an eye on them...

If you want to participate in the upcoming 2018 AOG, please read about the games HERE in my interview with Tuffy.  This is my third AOG (actually my fourth if you count the Tallyho 2012 Olympics).  Lots of fun, lots of room for creativity, no snow necessary.  

And if you want to get a preview of some of the AOG contestants from around the globe, click HERE

Fab time with Ellen and Kura last night, and we even got to visit with Peg via Facetime on her lovely home in the desert!  Kura and I enjoyed the morning before I dropped her at the bus, back into NYC.  Until next time...

And in a couple of days, Hubs and I are heading to Floriday to warm up - yay!  In fact, I'll be guest-reporting from several locations in Florida for the first few days of the AOG.  Stay tuned...


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