
By BikerJim

~Western Face Santa Catalinas~

~Near Sunset~

There is a saying out here in the high desert,
"When the mountains turn pink, it's time to drink!"
Well, that leaves me out, I don't do alcohol.
So for me it's, 'When the mountains turn rosy,
it's time to take a photie!"
Oh my, that's terrible, I give up!!!

I have had quite a chore to preform the last couple of days.
Needed to choose ten of my favorite photographs from 2008.
The local camera club is having a show in a couple of weeks.
The person running the show, Sharon, wants me to participate.
Just ten! Not three hundred and sixty-five, just ten images.
Most popular, my favorites, most beautiful, the widest variety?
How does one do this, I asked myself this many times over?
They are all my children, how can I even hope to be objective.
Well after much hand wringing and wailing, I got my final ten.
After the show I may post links to the ones I finally selected.
Can't tell you now, as I need this to be a personal decision.
If I were to get any suggestions, I may doubt my own choices.
And that would cause much hand wringing and wailing, again!!!
Not a pretty sight, cause ol' Biker Jim has a persona to maintain.

Thanks for stopping in to have a look!

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