Glorious Morning!

I was up and off early, fortified by porridge, to walk to my recorder lesson in Saltaire.  I'm struggling with rests, a crotchet rest to be exact, so most of the lesson was spent with me trying to come in at the right time - much homework!  My teacher did mention the Young Children's Guide to Music Theory in passing, which apparently has reward stickers.....this may be the way to go!

After my lesson I caught the train back to Bingley and then walked home in time for lunch.  The afternoon has been spent on more decoration prep at Jen and Pete's and now I'm just about to head out for pilates.

My blip is of the lovely morning light falling in on the solid ground and remains of snow on the path through Bingley St Ives.  This is one of those parts of the estate which have been opened up by the removal of the rhododendrons so it's especially enjoyable to see the light coming through.

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