
First to the Puffin Pool with Anne where we watched the snow come down while we exercised. Not much but it did lay on the pavements. Back home to blue , sunny skies. Mike and myself went to Cromarty first to have our lunch. Washed the car in Jemimaville and then we went exploring.
We walked down a path next to Rose Cottage, where author Jane Duncan ( Elizabeth Jane Cameron ) had lived with her Uncle George. Jane is well known for her books ‘ My Friend....’ including her first novel ‘ My friends and the Miss Boyds.’ Jane had lived in Jamaica with her husband where she would secretly write, hiding her books away in the linen cupboard but after her husband became ill and money was needed she contacted a literacy agent.She returned to the uk in time for her first publication returning to the Black Isle where she had spent many happy holidays as a child. She would draw on her surroundings and friends for inspiration for her books and many can easily be recognised.
At the end of the grassy track we came across ‘Old Store’ now also named Reachfar which features in her books.From the money she made she was able to buy the old store which was a then in a ruined state, transform it and move in with her Uncle leaving Rose Cottage for the rest of the family to live in.
It’s a lovely Cottage right on the edge of Udale Bay. The stone pictured was by the gate and another one hang on the wall.
Jane died in 1976 and is buried in the graveyard at Kirkmichael. Just a simple headstone which is starting to look a bit neglected.It is hoped that money can be raised to look after it.

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