A Different Camilla

When I was out walking I saw this pretty Camilla bush in a neighbor's yard; I think the single layer of pedals make it really pretty. I think mine will be blooming soon; it has layers of pedals.

We leave tomorrow for a business/pleasure trip to LA/San Diego; tonight my husband handed me clothes he wanted washed. No problem, except when I put them in the dryer they wouldn't get dry. I think the heating element has burned out. Darn. The clothes are hanging on a drying rack in front of the fireplace and it is getting quite warm in here. I hope they are dry by the morning. I have turned the fire off and I am going to bed now. Whatever isn't dry, he can put in a big and it will probably dry in the rental car down in sunny California, right?   

Life is always interesting. So, goodnight. I have to catch that flight early tomorrow. 

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