Red Flash

By RedFlash

Eight Bollards and Umbrellas

In the past you have liked my City of London Bollards and as it was raining I thought that you would lile some umbrellas too. I hung around waiting for enough umbrellas in the blip and being an honest person I will confess that there are more than eight. You will have to believe me that there are eight bollards.

In case you are relatively new to my blips this will explain why the City of London bollards look as they do

Go large to see the reflections in the building

The things that made me smile:

It wasn't a day for smiling. A good chum left work today. The guy that sold me his camera. There were tears.

Exercise: I cheated and got the underground today as I wanted to get a bacon buttie

PS There were no naughty words on anyone's Kindle tonight
PPS You liked the nine Boris bikes - thank you

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