
I managed to complete three important tasks today.

First, I filled the fridge (etc). I did a mealplan and shopping list first, of course.

Second, I got the laundry up to date. Ironing tomorrow...

(Yes, I know - the excitement is killing you.)

Last, I made a decision. It required a bit of thought, but the thoughts have been rumbling on for a week or two and had reached the point where an accusation of prevarication might just stick.

A long walk would have helped with the decision making but the weather was a bit uncertain and I wasn't in the mood to get wet as well as cold. Anyway, I walked for 6.5 hours spread over 3 days during the week, so letting my fat backside rest on the sofa for a while was OK. Right?

None of this helped with a Blip, so it's tomorrow's breakfast. Traditional porridge. None of your processed, microwaved rubbish here. Organic pinhead oatmeal, soaked overnight and then boiled for 5 minutes.

Puts hairs on your chest (sorry ladies). 

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