The Sounds of Sunrise

Nearly missed the sunrise this morning and had to dash out of bed and run down to the estuary before the colours disappeared from the sky.

However, as soon as I had a couple of blips in the bag I was able to relax and take in all the sounds and sights that surrounded me. From the direction of the trees behind me came the loud panic ridden calls of a pheasant as it took flight. It must know it will be open season soon!

From the beach came the call of the Curlew, a sound I now associate with a Winter sunrise. Most of them are still in the fields up the Glen, but as Winter approaches they will gather at the water's edge at dawn. As I moved down to the mouth of the river the view was stunning, with a layer of cloud hanging over Arran. As I got a few shots of the sunrise I heard the sound of a duck approaching from the sea. It saw me and banked off quickly towards the beach, but not before it had been caught in the blip!

What a brilliant start to another day - it doesn't get much better!

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