Morning Snow Up Da Lane

Woke up to a beautiful sunny and snowy morning.   More snow showers through the day, but mostly sunny and blue skies.  A fine calm evening.

Although it was cold, my car wasn't frozen, and headed into work.  I've been working on the museum desk all day, and we had a steady morning to start the day.  After lunch, it started to quiet down, but gave plenty of chances to work with the photo archive.  I rushed of to work in the pub after tea, and a quiet shift.  Some power circuit's went out tonight, but on again, so feet up with the telly after walkies with Sammy. 

Lovely to see more snow again, but never enough!  Would be great to get a good few feet of snow, and for it to settle for a good few weeks.  This morning it was just a light dusting over places, and none in others.  Hopefully more over night.  Taken from my garden gate, looking up the next lane, Houl Road, Scalloway. 

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