Bums tae da Wind

Not much of a day!  Gales have been blowing, and rained most of the day.  It did clear and a sunny spell, just before tea.  Back to rain tonight!  Another day working in the museum office.  More scanning from the Doherty collection, but also been busy fixing old damaged photos for the next Gadderie exhibition.  Niece Elise came by work, and came over for tea.  Me and Sammy got soaked during walkies this evening.  Off to work in the pub later, and I'll have the new Shetland series on the telly :) I thought I'd go wave hunting at lunchtime, but nothing special.  Not the windiest of days, but you can still feel it, and so can the locals.   These ponies didn't have much shelter from the gales, so it's a case of pointing their bums into the wind and make your own shelter.  This doesn't stop them from turning their nosy heads to see who's about.  Taken at Mid Field, West Burra.   

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