Mono Monday : : Daffodils in the Window

There was frost on the roof this morning but the sun is shining. I wore a fur lined sweatshirt and a down jacket to class this morning, which allowed me to sit in comfort outside Acre coffee after class with Bob from the class. Bob is a Berkeley style liberal who has some a lot of interesting ideas and stories. The discussion for today was that a Capitalist system will self destruct unless the people running it are socialists who believe in sharing the wealth and taking care of all the people, not just the top 1%. If that is true, it seems as if we are on a collision course with disaster unless we elect a whole lot of new blood in Congress this year. I fear that we are all just so exhausted by the current chaos that we have stuck our heads in the sand. It's hard to know what else to do when everything turns on the morning's tweets.

Luis came today to install the new irrigation line to replace the one that was leaking. I looked out there at one point to see him bailing water with a ziplock bag out of a hole he had dug. Visions of our house floating on a cushion of water ensued....

Dana and Jim are back from Chicago which has had a record setting nine straight days of snow. There's a lot to do in Chicago despite the weather, and Jim is not one to let a moment go by without being put to a good time on a holiday. It will be nice to hear all about it....

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