secret garden

By freespiral


A wild night but a surprisingly interesting and informative meeting re Genealogy at the Bantry Historical Society, the wind and rain lashing at the windows as the speaker did her stuff.

All clear and sunny today but still cold, I nipped into town to get some potting compost and bird food - they don't half get through it. Another shop front,slightly more subdued colours today but the variety pf pinks, especially on the shocking pink open door, are alluring. It's all pink inside too, complete with pink benches to rest upon, It's one of the oldest shops in town and was one of the first places we went into, newly blown-in about 16 years ago. I think we were after a bottle of water. The Misses Evans were behind the counter, they invited us to sit and the information was extracted with sheer professionalism and speed. We reeled out 5 minutes later, they knowing everything about us!*

Off out again tonight - chips and arthouse : In Between, a Palestinian film about three young women living in Tel Aviv, looked good from the trailer.

* Brilliant - AngelsShare has blipped the interior! 

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