
By IrvingFlashman

Can someone do my work for me please?

Today felt quite difficult and sort of like things were rushing away out of control. My hair today being a perfect example of these difficulties. I did eventually manage to tame it, but it took a while.
I spent all morning trying to kick my boyfriend out of my house because I was having a massive breakdown over work pressures and when he EVENTUALLY got the message I got down to it and did six hours of work.
Yet, when getting ready to go out I was still frustrated and angry with myself for not doing enough work.
Went out for party times with the girls and had a great time but couldn't shake my stress. Also didn't help that the boyfriend spent the entire night promising to meet me out and then he shuffled off to a different club.
Ended the night on the sofa with a big box of chips and overly salted fried chicken. I just absolutely love chips and fried chicken.

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