
By IrvingFlashman

A work break well worth it

Definitely already wrote an essay on this and didn't actually upload it...
ANYWAY, potted version will suffice.
Today I was still having major work stress and was struggling to spell 'hat'. The girls suggested I go for a walk with them and I am incredibly glad that I did.
We took a walk to Roath Park which I absolutely love. I couldn't believe how incredibly beautiful all of the trees were. I never remember to look up and focus and look around me.
I bought myself an ice cream cone for breakfast (hangover day) and we strolled around the lake. I'm rather afraid of birds so there were a few shaky moments but Lydia didn't seem to mind me grabbing her sleeve too much.
We took lots of pictures, had a lovely moment under a willow tree and then frolicked in the leaves. Someone stood in some dog poo (no names) and everyone else laughed way too much.
Walking back I realised how lovely it had been and wanted to capture the moment so I asked the girls to stand side by side to let me keep a memento of my joy and peace, and this is the result.

Evening was cosy. I dined with the boy and then we agreed and disagreed over what television to watch until 1am when I happily fell asleep.

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