Ring Around the Pole-sy

Another shot for the AOG (the Alternative Olympic Games.) I hate to keep posting bad behavior...but hey...that's what it is.

These 3, (Snoopy, Snowball, and Whitey) competed in the downhill. Snoopy, the winner, was on the pole ready to accept his medal...when Snowball (2nd place) bird-rushed him from behind. "THAT SHOULD BE MY MEDAL! THE TIMING HAD TO BE WRONG!" The bronze bird (Whitey) watched from the rear...hoping the top 2 placers would take each other out. Terrible sportsmanship.

2 more shots in the Extras. 1. Windblown 2. "If I only knew how to use a fishing pole."

Also, 11 more shots on my Flickr page.

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