Jarl David Broon

It was a lovely morning, sunny and fairly calm.  A few showers in the afternoon, and again this evening, but dried up and a clear sky.

Another day working on the museum desk.  With the lovely sunny morning, it was super quiet in the museum, only picking up in the late afternoon.  We also had a visit from some college students in the afternoon.  I went for a walk at lunchtime, bumped into mam, and we headed for lunch.  Off to see the Northmavine UHA tonight, and then working in the pub later. 

It's the big night for Northmavine Up Helly Aa, and a super day and night for it.  The Jarl David Brown is my cousin, so it was a must see occasion.  He looked great in his Jarl suit, and played the part perfectly.  I'm so jealous that I'm not out with him, or even at a hall for the night, to enjoy the party.  Here's David with his galley burning behind him.  Taken at the loch at Urafirth. 

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