A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Birthday eve treat

Right in the heart of birthday season we celebrated what a night out at Matilda the Musical. We bought the tickets 4 million years ago and so it was with some feeling that Anna announced this morning that there were, "no more sleeps". In an age when even us old(er) folks are struggling to watch a programme (Homeland) in real time as we have to wait an entire 7 days between episodes it is kind of refreshing to have lived with the anticipation for so long. Fortunately it did not at all disappoint - quite the opposite - and we had the most fantastic time. Mom and dad are down for the weekend too so it's been a lovely sociable day with the kids' old nanny, Claire, coming over for lunch too. And Carl found the time and patience to finish putting together J's birthday present and we are now the proud owners of a portable basketball hoop.

Tomorrow we have to be up early for present wrapping (swiftly followed by unwrapping no doubt) and a big breakfast brunch before Jackson heads off for football and me and the birthday girl settle into the sofa for the day...

Night all
Lesley x

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