A place in time

By Verbosa

Waste not...

Mr A and My Boy are quite keen on "decent" coffee, so we have a whirling gizmo machine that makes coffee with either ground coffee, or will prepare it properly "beans to cup" as the advertising goes.  Anyway, it seems they had a number of packs of ground coffee open, which they both deemed to be stale and quite unfit for drinking, so I decanted it all into this jar...being coffee from various regions and also multiple flavours (such as coffee, whiskey hazelnut and so on).  And guess what?  It turns out that I have been drinking this hotch-potch mixture of ground coffee and I love it!  Not that I have it black, mind you, but made with half a mug of organic milk (or soya milk), half a mug of coffee and a hint of honey.  Sorted!  Waste not, want not, eh?

Thought for the day:

"You waste life when you waste good food."  (Katherine Anne Porter)

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