
By Cr055ie

Summer Driving Kit!

Well full day in the office and got a load of stuff done.  I like being busy.  Just as well as I have a load more things to do.  

Went to Hubbards HIlls to eat my lunch, but it rained as it has for most of the day,  A little robin was around but it was very shy, so not the usually cheeky little thing that shares my lunch,  Shame really as I had sandwiches and I would have shared,  

Because of the rain I will have to resort to another still life for my blip.  Our Facebook page is doing a week of photographing things you find around the home but they have to be in black and white.  I quite liked this little still life.  It has everything I need for summer driving apart from the music of course.  Summer just can;t get her fast enough for me this year.  

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