Feeling Chippie

Back to work today. Main session was a gathering of participants in the Children’s Hearings Improvement Partnership. This group brings together representatives from government, social work, education, legal aid board, safeguarders, third sector, police, children's Reporters, Children’s Hearings Scotland, health, CELCIS.

The reinvigorated body kicked off in 2014 but it is felt time to review our priorities now that a lot of achievements have been delivered or are underway: vision and values, guidance, blueprint refresh and so on. Also, with the year of the young person underway we need to reflect more on the way in which the views of young people are meaningfully incorporated into our policy thinking.

We distilled down much of current activity into 2or 3 broad themes which will be developed further for our next main meeting.

Back home (or not at home as the heating has yet to be reconnected) the absence of WiFi (and even a strong mobile phone signal) makes me realise how dependent we have become on having the technology on tap.

Finally a visit to the aunt in hospital. That will soon be 4 months we have been trying to find a care provider with the capacity/ willingness to take her on. Even agreeing to pay a difference of up to £8 an hour does not seem to make a difference. What she requires does not seem to be financially attractive to anyone. All very frustrating for her.

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