Dexter at Play in the Tabby Tunnels

I had gotten out some of my backpacking equipment, and guess who decided it would be fun to play among the rolled-up sleeping pads. Yes: Dexter the Tabby!

There were three pads: one blue, one white, and one purple. Dexter seemed to prefer the blue one. My husband dragged a shoelace around among them, and Dexter went crazy running through the "tabby tunnels."

I remember that when Dexter was a kitten, he played more than any cat I had ever met. When I'd come home from work in the evening, he would want to play for several hours, if you'd engage with him. And then, boom, down he'd go, fast asleep.

Yesterday's posting was a photo of Dexter at rest. This day's photo is of Dexter at play. I wanted a soundtrack song with the word play in the title. So here is Neil Diamond, with Play Me.

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